Welcome to my On The Prowl Page! This
is a really fun group where we learn about hunting. Of course, most indoor kitties (like me) hunt inanimate objects....but
it's still hunting! We write essays on hunting tips, tell about our experiences, about how we would teach young
kittens how to hunt and much more. I am only the second member to reach
the red mouse level! I'm so proud!!! I won these awards in the April 2000
CLAW Awards Ceremony: Yippee! I won these awards in the August 2000
CLAW Awards Ceremony: Wow! Thanks Rhett! I was Hunter of the Month in May: Here is an essay I wrote on hunting
catnip mice: Here is my final assignment for On the
Prowl in CLAW *wipes tears*. We were to write a story through the eyes of our prey. Here's mine: I was laying on the floor, minding my
own business, when some huge human came over and threw me across the floor! What did I do? Then this huge monster
cat came running after me and pounced on me! This monster started growling at me and biting and scratching me.
I tried to hide under the furniture, but that darn monster started meowing and the human came and found me and
threw me back in the middle of floor for that monster to get me again! I can't even protect myself, as I can't
move. I'm just a little catnip mouse, what can I do?
Catnip mice are great fun to hunt, but they can be furry sneaky! When mew see one laying on the floor, try to sneak
in as close as possible, without the mousie seeing mew. Once mew are close and the mousie least expects it, POUNCE!
This is where the mice get tricky. They will lay still until mew sink in mewr powerful claws. Then they try to
run away! They especially like hiding under rugs and furniture. This can lead to some wonderful playing with the
prey! Once mew are tired of playing, apply the "bite of death" with mewr razor sharp teeth!
Here is an assignment I wrote on what I would tell a young kitty is the most important rule in hunting:
I would tell a young kitten that the most important rule in hunting is to be cautious about your prey. Some prey
that are great fun to hunt can be very dangerous for kitties to eat! A few examples of dangerous prey would be
some spiders, some snakes, skunks, and rats.
Another assignment we had in February was to write any experiences we had with a fight to the death with a d*g
(that's a bad word so I cleaned it up for young kitties). If we had never been in a fight to the death, we were
to write on what we would do if we were in that situation. Here's what I wrote:
I haven't been in a fight to the death with a d*g. If I were though, I would use my kitty smarts! I think I would
get in as close as safely possible and smack the silly d*g in the nose with my mighty paw. Then I would run really
fast up a tree. Of course then I would laugh at the nutty d*g, from my nice and safe tree, for being so silly as
to challenge such a ferocious feline!
Our assignment for April was to write about saving the Earth and why it is important to us kitties and our prey.
Here's what I wrote:
I would say that the most important things we can do to help save the earth would be to preserve the trees and
forests. Besides providing us kitties with a with a fun place to climb, they also provide oxygen to all living
creatures! Many animals that we hunt depend on trees for shelter and protection from weather. Some of our prey
even live in the trees, like birds, squirrels, etc...! Cats also use trees to escape some predators. Billions of
trees are being destroyed each year for paper alone! This is where recycling can help out a lot. If trees continue
to be destroyed at the rates they are now, there will not be an earth to help save!