Welcome to my online journal! It's hard telling what you'll find in here, but it will always be safe for little kitten ears! I'll mainly be putting in my daily life as a cat and whatever random thoughts I have. I hope you enjoy it!

February 10, 2000:

Dear Journal,
My name is Sassy. I'm a 3 and a half year old seal point Siamese with beautiful blue eyes! I was born on December 22, 1996 and now weight 8 and a half pounds. I'm an only kitty, so I am very spoiled, as every cat should be. I live with my Meowmie, my daddy, and my grand-paw. My favorite actives are playing, sleeping, eating and catnip! I also love to chase bugs, even though meowmie takes them away from me. I also enjoy working on my web site and making desktop enhancements (themes, screen savers, etc.) and graphics. I watch tv occasionally. My favorite shows are The Planet's Funniest Animals, Animal Court, The Crocodile Hunter, Emergency Vet and Animal Doctor. All of them are on Animal Planet. I guess that's it fur today, I'll write again soon.

Purr, Sassy

February 12, 2000

Dear Journal,
I just don't understand hoomins! They do so many crazy things. Meowmie scolded me for knocking everything off of the dresser today. Why? Didn't they put that big thing there for me to sit on and view my territory? It just got me thinking how many silly things they do. Why do they have to set their food bowls up so high? Why do they get a whole room for their litterbox? And their food is so yucky! They hardly ever get tuna and never get Pounce treats. Does this mean they aren't good kitties like me? I've spent 2 years trying to teach my meowmie how to take a bath, but she still insists on getting in that huge water hole! I try to help by licking her a lot, but she never licks me back. Oh well, guess I'll have to ponder this some more. I'll write again soon.
Purrs, Sassy

February 16, 2000

Meow Journal!
Valentine's Day is a great holiday! Meowmie put some catnip in a heart shaped box fur me and I also got some fun dizzy balls. They bounce off of the walls and furniture furry nicely. Meowmie is redecorating my territory. She's putting in a lot of new furniture,carpets and stuff. Guess I'll be busy fur a couple of days depositing my fur on them. They will look much nicer then. I still haven't figured out any of the answers from my last entry, so I'm still thinking about them. I know this is short but I gotta start placing my fur on everything. I'll write again soon.

Purrs, Sassy

February 22, 2000

Dear Journal,
It's been a hectic week fur me! I've been furry busy furring all of the new furniture. The worse part is the my silly meowmie vacuumed all of my fur off! Can you believe it?! What's a kitty to do? Oh well, guess I'll have to start all over. Meowmie felt sorry for me, because she knows I hate changes, so she bought me a bunch of catnip mice and a ball on a string. They are furry fun! Guess that's it fur today but I'll paw more soon.

Purrs, Sassy

March 25, 2000:

Dear Journal,
I'm so excited! CLAW had their semi-annual awards ceremony today and I won lots of awards. I wasn't expecting any, as I'm still very new. What a wonderful surprise! I also moved up to Baroness in the CLAW ranks! Yeah!!! I went to the CLAW park and had a picnic today. It was furry fun! I've been taking lots of classes too and will be graduating in April with 5 degrees! I can't wait. I guess that's it fur now but I'll write again soon.

Purrs, Sassy

March 29, 2000:

Dear Journal,

You will never believe what happened! My catputer messed up and I lost all of my website files that I had on the hard drive. Grrrr!!! Luckily, most of my stuff was still online...I don't know what I would have done otherwise! So I've been very busy redoing all of my pages so I would have backups. Guess that's what I get for not backing up regularly. Oh, meowmie and daddy bought me a crinkle sack for becoming a Baroness in CLAW. It's lots of fun to play with. I'll paw again soon!

Purrs, Sassy

April 9, 2000

Dear Journal,

Oooh, I'm so excited!!! I got an e-meow from the CLAW University a couple of days ago that said I was the Salutatorian of the April 2000 graduating class. Yippee!!! I get be on the stage and make a speech. I'm so happy. Let's celebrate...catnip for everyone! I got a new kitty condo for graduation too. Everything else is pretty normal. I've also finished up my website...whoa, what a mess it was!

Happy Purrs, Sassy

April 21, 2000

Dear Journal,

I'm sooo happy! I have a wonderful new wink-wink (boyfriend in humanese). His name is Ping and he is also a Seal Point Siamese and only a few months older than me. He's the sweetest and most catsome kitty! He sends me cards, virtual presents, and even took me on a virtual vacation to Paris...yippee!!!

Happy Purrs, Sassy