Here is a banner, made by Sassy, for our group: I've been doing lots of the activities and have already
made it to level three!
Welcome to my Cat's Meow Club Diary Society Page! This
is a very new but great group that is run by my sisfur, Sassy (another one, can you believe this?). I love pawing
in my diary and find it very relaxing. Want to see my online diary? Click here!
Here are two awards I won in October. I'm so excited!
Here is my testimonial about how I feel about keeping a diary:
I think everyone should keep a diary. It's a furry
important record of mewr life that mew can look at over and over as mew age and remember all of the good times
mew have had. It's also furry relaxing and calming to write out mewr feelings.
I also submitted 2 tips for the group! Here they are:
1. Write down everything, even about mewr day to day
life. It may seem small now, but it could end up being a furry important moment in mewr life.
2. If mew are feeling frustrated or angry, try writing out mewr feelings. It really does help calm mew down and
I'll be adding more soon :)